
Generate customized personas in 5 minutes

Let ESGmarket create your buyer personas in no time at all. Benefit from valid, objective target group data thanks to advanced artificial intelligence.

  • Generate complete buyer personas in just 5 minutes
  • Obtain objective and valid target group data thanks to AI
  • Minimize time and money spent on researching target groups
  • EU-Foerderung-logo-kofinanziert-vpn-der-europaesichen-union-black
  • EU-Foerderung-logo-europa-fuer-niedersachsen--black

Title: Know your sustainable customer
Brief description: Development of a Software as a Service product

Watch video
ESGmarket - AI based Personas + Target Group check for German Market | Product Hunt


Get to know your target groups better.

  • Icon-Erfüllen
    Integrate sustainability

    Integrate ESG criteria into your persona design for brands, campaigns and services.

  • Icon-Vermitteln
    Recognize market potentials

    Identify opportunities and risks in your target markets or those of your customers.

  • Icon-Verstehen
    Argument well-founded

    The classification is based on scientifically sound findings and gives you certainty about sustainability preferences.

  • Icon-Skalieren
    Work efficiently and effectively

    Save time, effort and costs: ESGmarket helps you to use your resources in a more targeted way.

  • Market research is fundamental for our start-ups in all phases and is usually a major hurdle for many because it is time-consuming and/or involves high costs. This tool makes it simple, quick and comprehensible. The subsequent development of personas helps to take the results further and internalise them. A real benefit for our incubator and the students. We can only recommend ESGmarket!
    Nexster - Entrepreneurship Centre at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Your quick validation of startups' business cases in the B2C and D2C market is ingenious. By analysing target groups and identifying suitable personas, startups quickly gain insights into potential customers. ESGmarket finally helps to understand the impact of sustainability on the buying behaviour of target groups and leads to clear insights that help to adapt products and marketing strategies in a targeted manner.
    Christina Sprehe,  VentureVilla Accelerator GmbH


Do you have any questions or comments? We can be reached using the following contact details. Alternatively, please leave us your message in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.